Unseen messengers, such as the hormones regulating our body, play an important role in controlling some of the most important functions that we take for granted in life, one of which is growth. However, sometimes our growth hormones fail us, and we are forced to use an external source. This is where growth hormone injections come in.

First, let’s talk about the large responsibilities of the hormone. The human growth hormone (HGH) plays a crucial role in cell regeneration, but its responsibilities go beyond the growth of the human body. It is also involved in protein processing in the body and breakdown of fat for increased energy. HGH levels are able to fluctuate during the day and are affected by everyday aspects of our lives such as sleep, stress, and even blood sugar levels. Children who have a lack of HGH have characteristics such as chubbiness, a young face, delayed puberty, and less hair growth. Causes for the lack of HGH production can range from a genetic defect, a lack in production, or an unknown cause altogether. Adults, on the other hand, can have depression, increased fat and risk of heart disease, and weak muscles. The lack of HGH in adults is mostly caused by damage to their pituitary gland.

Growth hormone injections are one solution for those who cannot generate human growth hormone on their own.

Image Source: BeijingStory

This is where HGH injections come in. Once injected, lab-grown HGH mimics the behavior of natural HGH and creates similar overall effects to natural HGH. It can be self-administered or administered by a doctor, and treatments often last for several years. HGH can have certain side effects on other processes of the body. Blood tests are usually carried out monthly to determine the wellness of cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and bone density. Other side effects include muscle aches, joint discomfort, headaches, and swollen external body parts, such as hands and feet. Most should consult their doctor if symptoms arise; nonetheless, it is not recommended that people with certain conditions, such as cancer, tumors, and breathing problems, take this hormone.

Use of the HGH for many years can cause a serious side effect known as acromegaly, an overgrowth of bones. It can also lead to heart disease and a high blood pressure. Thus, it is important to talk to your doctor about using HGH safely, whether short term or long term. After all, hormones are necessary for a healthy body, but too much or too little only lead to a further imbalanced body.

Feature Image Source: :”IMG_1620″..byNathan Forget

Bansari Patel

Author Bansari Patel

Bansari Patel is a second year Biological Sciences major at UC Irvine. In her spare time, she loves to read but is usually prompted to go on crazy adventures with her friends.

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