Did you know that papaya plants are not trees, but rather giant herbs, and that the papaya fruit is actually a berry? This plant, thought to have originated from southern Mexico and Central America, is now grown in every tropical and subtropical region. The papaya provides an excellent source of Vitamin C, and its leaves and seeds have various medicinal uses. Papaya leaf tea, specifically, may be useful in treating gastric ulcers and cancer.

According to a study published in the West Indian Medical Journal, papaya leaf tea has the potential to prevent gastric ulcers caused by alcohol. During the study, some rats were pre-treated with the papaya leaf tea, while all of the rats were given alcohol. It was found that the rats that were pre-treated with the papaya leaf tea showed a lesser degree of gastric damage. The researchers believe that the papaya leaf tea offers protection by causing an increase in the activity of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that protects cells from damage.

Papaya leaf tea may also have the potential to fight cancer. Researchers from the University of Florida found papaya leaf tea to have significant anti-cancer effects on a variety of human cancers, including cervical, breast, lung and pancreatic cancers. They exposed different types of cancer cell cultures to different doses of papaya leaf extract and measured the effect after 24 hours. The papaya leaf extract slowed the growth of all the cultures. Those with greater doses showed greater anti-cancer effects. The researchers have found that the papaya leaf extract stimulates the increased production of certain immune cells. However, the mechanism by which the papaya leaf extract destroys cancer cells is still unclear.

 Beyond the leaves, the fruit of papaya is delicious and a brilliant orange colour!

Source: retales botijero

So whether you are a regular tea drinker or a complete novice, try adding some papaya leaf tea to your morning or evening routine! While you are at it, you can also go ahead and eat the fruit to gain some extra benefits for your digestion. You can enjoy papaya fruit raw, grilled, dried, baked, in a salad, in a smoothie, and in salsa!

Feature Image Source: Papaya leaf by Christina B Castro

Tammy Auyeung

Author Tammy Auyeung

Tammy Auyeung graduated from UC Davis with a B.S. in Neurobiology, Physiology, Behavior and a minor in Technology Management. She loves sleeping, hanging out with friends, and helping out in the community.

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