Public Health Common Causes and Treatments in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has continuously proven itself to be a significant public health concern,…Laila KhorasaniNovember 13, 2019
Wellness Using Saliva to ID Concussions Saliva is important for breaking down the food we eat. Not to mention, salivating indicates…Willy CheungMarch 18, 2018
FeaturedWellness Concussions in Football: Cause for Concern? Every passionate football fan loves the jarring blow of a good tackle to an opposing…Shawn WangFebruary 22, 2018
Wellness Robotic Concussion Detection American football is the most popular sport in the United States. In addition to the intense…Willy CheungAugust 6, 2017
Wellness Concussion: A Return to the Classroom If you've ever seen an American football game, I'm sure you've heard of concussions before.…Willy CheungApril 17, 2017
Wellness Do Concussions Lead to Suicide? A concussion is the least serious, but most common, type of traumatic brain injury. Symptoms of…Suzy NamJuly 27, 2016
Wellness Helmets: Solution or Problem? Brain conditions caused by contact sports have been an emerging topic of discussion in the…Jasmine TatahFebruary 24, 2016
Public Health Blood Tests May Now Diagnose Concussions in Kids As concern grows over long-term concussion damage among professional athletes, parents worry about the risks…Alexandra RuanJanuary 7, 2016
FeaturedResearch New Insight Into Treating Traumatic Brain Injuries: Part I One of the deadliest and most scientifically frustrating ailments today is traumatic brain injury, or…Amit KumarSeptember 2, 2015