Medicine CancerSEEK Blood Test Detects Various Cancers In the year 2018, more than 1.7 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed, and…Sherry ErshadiApril 17, 2019
Research Novel Cancer Therapeutics Targetting Cancer Coactivators A large reason why cancer is such a deadly disease is because cancerous cells can "communicate"…Alex RennMay 28, 2016
Research Nanoparticles Detect and Target Cancer Cells A biomarker indicates the presence of a certain biological phenomenon, such as a disease. In late…Stephanie ChuNovember 21, 2015
FeaturedPublic Health Hookah: Flavored Smoke Trends More Dangerous Than Cigarettes Walking into a hookah lounge with its plush pillows, dim lights, and mellow atmosphere is…Angeline NguyenOctober 25, 2015
Medicine Can Statins Prevent Lung Cancer? Cholesterol is a thick, fat-like substance that naturally appears all around your body. It is…Sara CheaSeptember 4, 2015
Research The Politics in Lung Cancer After nearly 55 years in a trade embargo, the US has finally begun to mend…Connie GiangJune 11, 2015
Research DNA Blood Test Identifies Lung Cancer Mutation Imagine a world where a simple DNA blood test could be used to identify lung…Kate LinMay 26, 2015