Medicine Diabetes Medication Jardiance Can Now Treat Heart Failure Heart failure is a condition that develops when your heart cannot pump adequate amounts of…Tam ToMay 10, 2022
Medicine Pharmacy Deserts and the Race to get COVID-Vaccinated Quick question: how far is your nearest pharmacy? If the answer is greater than five…Nancy CheaAugust 3, 2021
Public Health Pharmacists Can Prescribe Birth Control Too! Over the past few years, several states, including Oregon, California, Washington, and New Jersey, have…Nicole BarcegaMarch 17, 2018
Medicine Drug Shortages: Why We Run Out of Drugs Nowadays, there are seemingly endless supplies of medications available to the public with just a short…Carolina AparicioSeptember 19, 2017
Healthcare Prescriptional Cost With the ever-growing medical and pharmaceutical industries in our society, more often than not, we…Kishan PatelJanuary 30, 2016
Research Maple Syrup Could Help Fight Bacteria Maple syrup, a longtime favorite condiment, is now being considered for more than just its…Stephanie ChuAugust 18, 2015