Wellness What’s the Best Way to Detox From Social Media? Social media use is particularly concerning for adolescents who are in a vulnerable phase of…Vivian NguyenJanuary 14, 2025
Public Health Facebook Engages in Suicide Risk Monitoring for its Users As of the end of 2018, the social media website Facebook had 2.32 billion monthly…Cath AshleyAugust 7, 2019
Public Health The Role of Bots in the Spread of Public Health Information Anyone who has used social media is likely familiar with the CAPTCHA. The CAPTCHA is…Cath AshleySeptember 5, 2018
Public Health Is Social Media Ruining our Health? In a world where the internet is a quintessential communication tool, it is no surprise…Vasundhara AcharyaMarch 24, 2018
Wellness The Psychology of Facebook Likes For those who choose to participate, it is a way of life, and for those who don’t,…Quang CaoJanuary 23, 2017
FeaturedHealthcare Spreading Health Research Through Twitter There is no doubting the power of the internet and technology in today’s modern society.…Kishan PatelMarch 21, 2015
FeaturedPublic Health Twitter Aids in the Prediction of Flu Outbreaks I know what you're thinking; this is another article relating to the flu. "Isn't the…Saline LayJanuary 30, 2015