During stressful and hectic days of work, it can be all too easy to grab the nearest package of instant ramen, a bag of chips, or a bag of candy as you type away on your computer, review reports, or read.  As tasty as they may seem, it may be a good idea to try swapping out some snacks for some healthier alternatives to ensure that you don’t risk harming your mental health in the process!

The GI tract is responsible for digestion and absorbing calories for energy with help from bacteria. However, they have another effect; studies show that the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is home to billions of bacteria that have effects on the production of neurotransmitters, which affect brain activity. As long as they remain healthy, the bacteria lead to a positive feedback loop that produces more bacteria, which continue to produce neurotransmitters properly. Junk food, however, tends to lead to inflammation that can hinder the growth of healthy bacteria.

Furthermore, if you’re already stressed, try avoiding foods such as caffeine, high-sugar foods, and simple carbs, as they can elevate cortisol levels. Cortisol, a neurotransmitter associated with stress, can lead to increased inflammation when continually released. Because sugar can not only encourage inflammation but also increase the growth of “bad bacteria” in the GI tract, it is important to avoid high-sugar foods. They can cause a dopamine spike, which often results in a temporary sugar rush followed shortly by a crash that can leave you feeling even moodier. 

So, what snacks could be beneficial? Try considering snacks that are rich in antioxidants such as blueberries or chia seed pudding since they contain vital antioxidants that can fight off inflammation. Furthermore, since the immune system and gut are interconnected, incorporating yogurt can help your gut stay healthy. Additionally, instead of reaching for a greasy bag of potato chips, you might want to try snacking on nuts. Packed with vitamins, healthy fatty acids, and vitamin B, these nutritious snacks can be vital to reducing stress. 

Blueberries, yogurt, and granola are good alternatives to sugary snacks.

Image Source: Eva-Katalin

By gradually switching out unhealthy alternatives, you may begin to feel more at ease and feel not only more energized but healthier in general. Studies show that eliminating junk food can put you in a better mood, as it leads to a more adequate nutritional balance. In fact, as you switch to a healthier diet, you might find yourself craving sugary snacks less and less, making a switch all the more worthwhile. 

All in all, it’s important to snack on foods in moderation. While it’s okay to indulge in some candy every now and then, there are benefits in incorporating other healthier alternatives into your diet, especially if you’re feeling the heat of an especially anxious or hectic week or finding it hard to relax.

Featured Image: © sommai / Adobe Stock

Karen Chang

Author Karen Chang

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