Wellness Saliva and Oral Health Do you drool in your sleep? Does your mouth water at the scent of freshly…Priya BhattacharjeeNovember 21, 2015
Medicine The World of Spicy Peppers Many of us love spicy foods and associate them with our favorite regional cuisines. However, it may be…Jane ZhouNovember 20, 2015
FeaturedWellness Wait a Minute… Time to Sleep: A Look at Narcolepsy It seems like the older we get, the more we cherish our sleep time. Sleep is…Bansari PatelNovember 20, 2015
Research How We Make Emotional Decisions The human brain is likely the most remarkably complex organ known to man. It controls every…Shriraj SusarlaNovember 20, 2015
FeaturedPublic Health How the ACA Makes Primary Care Visits More Accessible A study conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health reveals…Anderson NguyenNovember 19, 2015
Research Stronger Together: The Role of Density in Promoting Bacterial Survival in the Presence of Antibiotics The medical field was forever changed in the 20th century upon the discovery and increased…Tory DoolinNovember 19, 2015
FeaturedResearch Mitochondrial DNA Predicts Mortality Cells contain structures, called organelles, which perform different tasks in order to allow the cell…Karina KakNovember 18, 2015
Research 3D Printed Hearts Amidst all of the buzz of the newly developing 3D printing technology comes a new cutting…Kate LinNovember 18, 2015
FeaturedResearch Mice Actually Sing Like Birds? Humans can only hear frequencies within the limited range of 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz,…John HuangNovember 17, 2015
Research Turning Cells into Lasers Various devices that permit the emission of light are known as luminescent probes and are…Tory DoolinNovember 17, 2015
Healthcare Physicians: Marking the Line Between Life and Death Difficult decisions are a part of life, but physicians in particular are forced to make…Itzel RomeroNovember 16, 2015
Research First Period Linked to Heart Disease Risk in Women New research shows that the age at which a woman has her first period is…Karina KakNovember 16, 2015
FeaturedResearch Bionic Nose Detects Water Bacteria When people hear about bionics, they likely picture a man in a futuristic suit of…Raymond HoNovember 15, 2015
Research Toddlers Who Share the Bed Might Be At Higher Risk for Developing Asthma Asthma is a long-term lung disease that causes wheezing, tightness in the chest, shortness of…Karina KakNovember 15, 2015
Research Mitochondria Play a Key Role in Stem Cell Development Nearly every cell in the body contains mitochondria, structures that are responsible for generating the energy that organisms…Stephanie ChuNovember 14, 2015
Public Health UCSF and San Francisco Act to Highlight Health Impacts of Sugary Drinks This past summer, new legislation was approved by San Francisco's Board of Supervisors and Mayor…Anderson NguyenNovember 14, 2015
Research Newly Found Brain Structure Explains Parrots’ Mimicry As humans, one of our most unique traits is our ability to speak and comprehend…Shriraj SusarlaNovember 13, 2015
FeaturedResearch New Test That Can Reveal Every Single Virus You’ve Ever Had Researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute have created a blood test that can pinpoint…Angela LiuNovember 12, 2015
Research Physical Inactivity Carries Greater Risk of Death than Obesity in Europe It's no secret that exercise provides numerous health benefits. In contrast, not being active comes…Brynn KronNovember 12, 2015
Medicine Glaucoma Medication Can Treat Tuberculosis? March 24, 1822 marks the day that Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) made its debut through Dr. Robert…Jane ZhouNovember 12, 2015