Spice. It’s an essential ingredient we see all the time in tacos, chips, and noodles. But, did you know they might be the key to longevity and happiness? Chili peppers contain capsaicin, a chemical that gives these foods their famous heat alongside a range of medicinal properties. Capsaicin interacts with a receptor called TRPV1, which can be found in the brain, peripheral nerves, and blood vessels. With various parts of the body to interact with, capsaicin can provide different benefits for health.

Red chili flakes contain capsaicin, responsible for its spiciness as well as its potential health benefits.

Image Source: fcacfotodigital

For example, capsaicin has anti-inflammatory qualities that make it an ideal supplement for heart health. A study conducted on the presence of TRPV1 in human platelets showed that capsaicin could increase resistance to LDL (low-density lipoprotein) by slowing down how the body processes this “bad” cholesterol. This is important because LDL buildup can result in the narrowing or even blockage of arteries that can increase risk for cardiovascular disorders, such as atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Additionally, studies conducted by Zheng used lab mice and found that over the course of 20 days, mice with the TRPV1 receptor that ingested capsaicin had decreased rates of obesity compared to mice that had this receptor removed. Thus, TRPV1 stimulation could be associated with the decrease in the number and size of fat cells, preventing obesity development.

Capsaicin may also have anti-cancer effects. Studies have shown that it can exhibit anticancer activity by decreasing tumor cell growth in mice. Furthermore, they can express deter cell growth in pancreatic cancer as well as cause oxidative damage to cancer cells that were transplanted in the mice. Overall, capsaicin has been shown to have a significant effect on a multitude of cancers, including gastric, pancreatic, and breast cancer, and can be quite valuable to the treatment of cancer and in the community.

Capsaicin can come with certain side effects, depending on the person. Capsaicin can worsen acid reflux symptoms as the sensation of heat can irritate the gastrointestinal system, causing reflux, heartburn, and other issues. Nonetheless, capsaicin is a valuable resource that should not be taken lightly. Given its potential to help reduce cancer activity, decrease obesity, and promote wellness, it might just be the key to a longer and healthier life!

Featured Image Source: © vm2002 /Adobe Stock

Karen Chang

Author Karen Chang

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